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The ultimate vocabulary learning software

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o User testimonials
      Here is what some VTrain users are saying about our software. These communications are published with permission and listed in no particular order.    
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    Steve Mathern
      "I have never experienced a technical support request for an unregistered shareware application with such detail and selflessness since my debut on the internet in 1996. I am very grateful for such a detailed response and instruction. (...) You've undoubtedly saved me tons of time and hand ache. (...) Your support is superb."    
    Yi-Tsung Cheng
      "And I have to say, after using softwares like FlashCardPro and Supermemo, I think they can't hold a candle to VTrain, given its friendly interface, good functionality and software stability."    
    Keith Ralston, BSc
      "Please keep up the good work. I have studied languages for years. This is the first time I have been really proficient at acquiring vocabulary. (...) This application of software technology is invaluable for the acquisition of vocabulary. It will set the standard in its market."    
    Vitaly Bezrodnykh
      "In any case, great job with this piece of software, guys. It's much better than similar programs I tested, and I tested and used a lot of vocabulary soft, due to my interest in languages."    
    Vernon Padayachee
South Africa
      "VTrain flash cards are very useful in fine tuning spellings, especially regarding accents. Repetition certainly makes it much easier to remember."    
    Mehrdad Pakzad
      "I have always had difficulty in retaining the meanings of many foreign words and other things in my memory. I tried my best in different ways to solve the problem, but then it seemed that it was the way it was, and I stopped looking for a better remedy. I kept on memorizing time after time and still forgetting many words. But this was up to the time I came across VTrain. I gave it a try and to my surprise it was the solution. Among its main features, I like two of them much: One can learn more in less time, and it makes your mind organized during learning. It became one of the few softwares I have ever registered."    
    Jason Massey
      "I used to make use of a few shoeboxes of 3x5 vocabulary cards. But I found I was wasting tons of time by constantly reviewing cards that I already knew well. I only wish I had heard of VTrain many years ago; I'm sure I would be far more advanced than I am now."

"After some months of using VTrain, I am already consciously aware of my vocabularial improvements. I am advancing quite well. Using my old 3x5-card method I would have never been able to acquire my desired level of vocabulary. Now, with VTrain, I am steadily on schedule to add 10,000+ words to my repertoire within the next year or so. Thanks VTrain!"
    Don Demars
      "First, I would like to say that your program is great. It helped me study for and pass the hardware portion of the CompTIA A+ certification."    
    Michael Murphy
      "I'm currently studying to become a registered nurse and your program (V-train) has definitley helped in reducing the study time as well as improving my grades."    
    Cuong Mai
      "This is the best, most powerful, and most intuitive vocabulary flashcard software on the market, on the internet, and probably in the world."    
    Gastón Tourn
      "This software is excellent, really. Incredibly useful. It isn't only good for learning vocabulary, but for learning definitions, grammar, all sorts of things!"

[Original text in Spanish: "
Realmente, el programa es excelente. Increíblemente útil. No sólo sirve para aprender vocabulario, también definiciones, gramática, ¡de todo!"]
    Updated: 2024 July 9
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